Individual Pages!

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Challenge: To Hunt Down Procrastination Where it Lives and Murder It Dead.

Oh hey internet, how are you?

Whoa, slow down, that’s a lot to take in all at once. What was that? How am I? How very lovely for you to ask.

Today was my first day off since new year’s and I of course planned for an amazing, productive, restorative one that culminated with me having written more pages of the memoir piece I’m writing (yes you can roll your eyes if you like, but that’s very rude since you haven’t even read it yet, judgmental much?) and instead it has been me watching the same semi-bad sit-com on couch tuner for 6 hours and laughing exactly 7 times.

Once the previously desirable act turned into a strange form of self-torture, I finally made a decision to be productive. Slinked out of bed (oh hush!) like some strange 2D cartoon and did what any person invested in their creative future would do and dyed my hair.

So now I am fresh out of the shower, sitting in my fleece lined leggings with no underwear on typing to you. Showers are the procrastinator’s best ally and greatest enemy. Showers are the brains most active and creative time, many of life’s problems have been solved simply by voluntarily pouring hot water on your head to no longer feel like a greasy skin bag. Showers also refresh you so you can motivate yourself for the day – problem is, that refreshing feeling and the brilliant ideas evaporate right out of you the second you put a towel to your wet body.

BUT NOT TODAY. Today I grabbed a single drip from my body and carefully carried it forth in my cupped hands and laid it at the feet of Today as an offering.

                                                                        The Challenge

I will create this blog with the intent to kill my procrastination dead. I can write whatever I want and can switch it up as often (or not) as I want. I can write whatever time I want. It can be any length. But I have to write EVERY DAY for 365 days and post by midnight.

I’m not one to make resolutions, I can barely keep a promise to anyone else let alone myself.  I’m better at being rash and impulsive although I am noticing a tenuous streak in me that I haven’t felt since I was a teenager and really afraid of life. But this past year, I did something rash that turned out to be incredibly helpful, I applied to be a part of a small program here in Portland that helps writers learn how to self-publish. Not having been in school for 7 years and not going to , I found my first semester just as much of a panic-attack inducer as it was an outlet for my creative learning. One of the biggest issues I have had is the fact that I have no discipline, no routine. I call myself a writer but I only really binge write, which (to me) smacks of inexperience and usually means my writing is poorly edited and often confusing. So instead of making a vow or a promise that I know I’ll find a way to weasel out of, I’m making one that took so much annoying time to set up that I have to do it or my afternoon off was totally wasted.

Oh – and you, dear internet are here to hold me liable.


If you so choose, here are the ways how: 

1) This blog



I hope you join me on this terrifying journey.


Classy Biped

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