Individual Pages!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014

Trying to Make Up for Lost Blog Time

On Being Yourself

Sexual satisfaction comes with the ability to let go. The ability to let go is established when you as a singular person feels comfortable enough to truly be yourself and let the things that happen to you happen on their own terms in their own time.

So maybe:

If one has less sex now than what was average I their past they are either:

A) totally satisfied emotionally and get physical release elsewhere

B) Love, appreciate and feel comfortable with your partner as well as comfort in yourself to the point that masturbation is more satisfying.


"Have you ever met someone who reminds you of you and wanted to fuck them?"

"That is the most deliciously narcissistic sentence I have ever heard."

"No, let me clarify - you're me."

"I'm you."

"And you - in example, work at a place where you have to talk to many people every day."


"And as you have done this over and over for years and years you began to realize that you are good at your job because you are good at being you."

"So you love yourself so much you want to fuck you?"

"No. You end up weeding out the people who aren't influenced by your personality and from there it narrows and narrows and narrows...the one day you are face to face with your mirror image and wet with desire."

" I dunno. I understand the similar personalities getting along but..."

"You ever kiss yourself in the mirror for practice?"


"It's that. But reciprocal. And fucking hot."


I gotta get back on the writing train. I hate how much being an adult sucks the time and life out of me.

Classy Biped

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30 2014

Glass Houses
Find their own
Way to break.

And we -
Find a way
To justify why

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28 2014

Writing Attempt: Free Writing

There was something else Liv had in mind to say but with the noise and the eyes, the feet shifting, the reflection of his sequined jacket lifting magenta up up up and the liquid falling down her throat fill fill filling her empty stomach in until her insides would slush side to side - she the vessel that holds the ocean - and what now? Liv choked quietly on her thought until it finally passed and it's remnants drowned themselves in her internal sea.

"Were you going to say something?" The sequined man said.

"No, I'm fine."

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25 2014

Trailblazers lost.

I went to an art store this morning looking for the perfect materials for my booklet. Unfortunately I was not able to get the right paper. 
My plan for tomorrow is to get to the store that will have what I need and then print out the "guts" before I screen print the cover.

After I am done with the first copy that will secure my certification,  I am absolutely going to take a poll to see how many of you are interested in buying it for a measly 10 bucks.

So exited.!

Classy Biped

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24 2014

What I have been up to:

I've got the guts of my publishing project DONE. On to the cover Nd the inserts. Gotta buy the paper and decide on colors and then make.a couple mock ups before I commit, but you guys-


And once I get my initial book in to qualify for my.certificate, I will be making more and will most definitely be shilling them out for anyone who is interested.


Classy Biped

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22 2014

Writing Attempt: Final Draft

I worked on my edits today after getting some wonderful last minute help from my friend Sarah. It took me much longer than I thought for a few reasons. The biggest one being an anxiety attack over what it is I'm attempting to accomplish. But once I took a nap and calmed myself down, the editing process focused me well. Here's a tiny taste.


“I don’t want you to do this again.” Dahlia said.

“That’s what I am paying you to say.” Said Chelsea.

“Yeah. It is. But I usually don’t mean it.” Dahlia flipped the vomit smattered strand of hair away from Chelsea’s face. “I don’t want to take the money. I rather you be safe. I rather you stay alive.” She brushed the skin under Chelsea’s wet eyes with her ring finger then placed it in her own mouth and sucked on it. “Let me take your sadness.”


Tomorrow I MUST TRY to get the pages formatted for sensible printing...pray I don't have a heart attack.

-Classy Biped