Individual Pages!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28 2014


Writing Style Attempt: Free Write Prose/ Continuation of the Reveal


As you might expect, the string of non diagnoses lead to nothing being fixed. Eating habits? Still terrible. Healthy coping practices? Thanks for asking, but I’m not capable or interested. Mood stability? Are you going to pay for those drugs? Familial reconciliation? Forgiveness is over rated and speaking my mind is goddamned impossible when I am still terrified of most people.

In an unfortunate use of bait and switch, instead of helping myself, I learned how to detract others from the truth. I developed ways to hide my illness(es?) so as not to hurt the people that mattered. But the problem with whatever it is that is eating away at my brain is that it’s desperate for attention, and because it is, it reveals itself in a bang instead of a whimper. My depression is the exhibitionist that throws open its trench coat at the pop warner game and ruins everyone’s week.

This was a lot of me writing for sense instead of writing to write. So it took me an hour but produced less than I wrote initially. Meh.

-Classy Biped

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